Here are some recommended links for you to follow. Some are web sites and some are Yahoo/Msn groups - hopefully you'll find them quite useful. |
Audience - This site deals with fetish photography and stories in a
magazine style format. This is a wonderful site for erotic bondage,
stories, video and photography. Many of the models I have used (with
permission) in my BATS manipulations are featured here- and they are
very pretty indeed. Do yourself a favour and click on the picture below.
Highly recommended !![]() |
Perils of Cyndi
Wilde - Home of the irrepressible damsel in distress, Miss Cyndi
Wilde. A genuine fanatic of all things DiD (Damsel in Distress), go
visit her site for plenty more perilous galleries and videos, including
BATS scenes amongst others! |
www.bondagewomen.net - Some really nice outdoor bondage pictures and a few 'fire' and 'witch' related poses. Really good photography. I have subscribed to this site before and can verify that it is well run with a helpful owner. Click on the hyperlink to go to the site, or get a free preview by clicking the thumbnail opposite. | |
WAVE Productions - You can purchase some BATS re-enactments from here including a few of the ones featured on BURN BABY BURN. |
http://thedarkspot.com/ - I only recently became aware of this page, and it appears to be a great site, although dealing with alot of fantasy adult topics. There are plenty of very talented manip artists and story writers - with BATS a subject matter. Check it out ! |
http://www.sinocalypse.com/ A very beautiful cam girl who has a fetish or two or her own, locked up in her cupboard :) She provided the voice-over for the BATS photostory, and runs an adult site dealing with fetish, blasphemy and other VERY adult topics. Be warned ;) |
http://www.darkfetishnet.com/ A forum dealing with all aspect of dark fetishes. Plenty of adult orientated dark subject matters with video pictures and discussion with like minded people. Adult only. |
Bmovie villains cliffhangers A yahoo group run by a very talented poser artist, and the subject matter is very close to my heart. B Movie damsels in distress. There's lots of BATS pictures as well as many other perils and the artwork is extremely good, so check this out! Adult recommended viewing only. |
Moviebound A tremendous blogger resource for all things DiD. You'll find information on movie featuring DiD scenes as well as up and coming TV shows featuring lovely ladies in peril. There's also plenty of linkages to BATS scenes in movies with clips from the web. |
Bring out the GIMP Ralphus's forum for all who love to see "Girls In Merciless Peril". fetaures hot conversation, reviews and news. Warning - contains adult content. |
www.liveperil.com - Again, a bondage/damsel in distress pay site with witch burning as a subject matter. I've not subscribed to it yet, so I can't say much about it. Check out the link for more or click for a few free samples that have been posted to user groups from the owner (Lookin' good). Unfortunately this site appears to have been down for a while, but I'll keep the link here in case it returns. |
Burning Realm -
Saskia and Katie's lovely fireplay group. A great place to meet fellow
fire lovers and post topic, stories and chat. Stakeburner.com - Home of Ralphus and BURN BABY BURN volumes 1 & 2. Hugely recommended site offering two tapes full of BATS scenes from TV/Movie and rare sources. Just about all of the scans on this site were taken from his compilation videos - if it hadn't been for these then this site would NOT exist ! I'll be providing a full review of both tapes in a later section, but until then do yourself a favour and go along. You won't be disappointed. Fireplay Oyla24 A site run by a fire loving couple and has some nice pictures so far, with a real BATS re-enactment promised soon. Mostly in German, but with limited translation tools it's pretty easy to navigate. Get along there now ! Saskia Fire's homepage - Saskia has wisely set up her own web site containing the great stories you'll read in Burnt Embers - just incase Yahoo decide to burn it down. Features the stories of Addison Dewitt and also a cool map page to find out where we all hail from. This is a safe haven for all you fire fetish folks out there. |
I will be adding more links to this page in the future. If anyone can think of any relevant sites that fit this category then drop me an e-mail. |